
We have learned previously words that can help us to emphasize something, such as the words mingi and mpenza. These words are added after the noun or verb to emphasize the extra amount or importance of something.

Lingala does have another way of adding emphasis to an idea in the form of doubling the verb root or the word. Notice some examples:

malamumalamureally good
mpenzampenzareally really, fully
solosolotruly, really true
lukalukareally look, search, research

We see that in all these cases the idea is emphasized. So in solosolo, we get the idea of it really being true. In libosoliboso, we see that it must be first, before anything else. in –lobaloba we see that the verb is now the action of a lot of talking, which in English is chattering.

When verb roots are doubled, the doubled root acts as any normal verb for example:

balukalukaki mpe bamonaki bango

Here the sense of the sentence isĀ they searched and the saw (found) them.

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