Mbote! Hello!

Ozali malamu?How are you?You are well / good?
Nazali malamuI am well / greatI am well / good
Nazali malamu teI’m not well / greatI am well / good not
Nsango nini?What news? (What’s up?)News what?
Nsango malamuGood news (Everything’s OK)News good
Nsango teNo news (Nothing new)News no / not
Nasepeli komona yoI am happy to see you
Nasepeli komona yeI am happy to see him / her
Nasepeli komona binoI am happy to see you (plural)
Nkombo na ngai …My name is …Name of me …
Nkombo na yo nani?What’s your name?Name of you who?
Some greetings and questions in Lingala
TɛlɛmaStand upStand
FandaSit downSit
Fanda awaSit here
Fanda kunaSit there
Yaka awaCome here
KendeGo / Go awayGo
Kende kunaGo there
Liya yangoEat it / them
Liya limpaEat bread
Liya losoEat rice
Liya nsosoEat chicken
Liya nsoso ná losoEat chicken and riceEat chicken with rice
Mɛla yangoDrink it
Mɛla maiDrink water
Tala yangoLook at it / themLook it / them
Tala ngaiLook at meLook me
Tala yeLook at him / herLook him / her
Pesa ngaiGive me
Pesa yeGive him / her
Some commands (verbs or actions) in Lingala

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