Using ‘moko’ and ‘liboso’

In other lessons we will discuss in more depth how to count in Lingala. However here it would be good to look at the number one: moko.

This word is special in that it is also used to convey the idea of self. When used with a personal pronoun:

Mpo na ngai moko

This means for myself (literally: for me self). This works with any and all personal pronouns:

ngai mokomyself
biso mokoourself
ye moko himself/herself
bango mokothemself
yo moko yourself (singular)
bino moko yourselves (plural)
yango moko itself or themselves (inanimate)

Connected to the word moko is the word liboso. This word means before. However when used with the word ya notice:

moto ya liboso

This means the first person (literally: person of before/first). It conveys the idea of the first, that is it is the one before anything else.

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