Basic Questions

In Lingala questions are created by slightly raising the intonation, or sound, at the end of the sentence. For yes/no type questions, sentence structure doesn’t change in comparison to a statement. So:

azali mobali te

translates into English as he is not a man (literally: he is man not). Whereas:

azali mobali te?

translates into English as is he not a man? (literally: he is man not?). This makes asking a yes/no type question a lot easier in Lingala. Think of the statement you want to know, then raise the intonation to make it a question.

Lingala does have some words that help with questions, two of which are in our vocabulary for this lesson: nani and nini. Nani means who and nini means what. These are used by placing them at the end of a sentence in the following way:

mobali nini?what man?man what?
ozali nani?who are you?you are who?

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